Pity Sex - White Hot Moon
Pity Sex
White Hot Moon
As shoegaze bands progress they often take a turn from the brash wall of sound that their music began with into a more refined post-rock sort of style. Pity Sex however never got that message. On this sophomore release White Hot Moon nothing is scaled back, it is a full onslaught of noise coupled with the pretty singing of Britty Drake and Brennan Greaves. Their voices are often muffled behind and distortion effect, and the music takes on an almost early emo sensibility. Think Fugazi or Sunny Day Real Estate. As with much of shoegaze everything is put through a buzzy filter giving you a live and also apathetic vibe. Pity Sex could be enjoying what they are doing or not, there really is no way to tell from listening. Despite the fact that both singers' voices are really nice their delivery is so one note that you really can not get past it. The album for the most part the album is very raw, giving very little to sounding slick. Pity Sex have found a lane and for the most part don't really deviate from the shoegaze path. The songs feel as if they are just an expansion of one thought. While the band may bang and pluck away with aggressive force, the music never feels large and really does not fill up the space.
As you would expect the vibe of the record overall is quite sad. For much of it the singers sound like at any moment tears will come streaming down their faces, which does not really convey the heart they seem to be looking for. There is also a restraint throughout the record, which builds a tension but it is never realized, there is never that cathartic release that you need. The final track "Wappen Beggars" has a bit of a let loose sound towards the end, but it is not nearly enough, nor soon enough. What you really want to see from a band that is clearly this talented is for them to push the production a bit, expand their horizons, but with White Hot Moon Pity Sex have found a formula that works and they seem for the moment to be sticking with it. "Burden You" is perhaps the one song where they do let the reins out a bit, and allow Britty's voice to shine, but it just is not enough to move the needle on this record. Much of this you have heard before, and have heard it done better than this. If you like shoegaze and really want to stick firm to that genre, this album very well may be for you. However, if any kind of inventiveness is your jam White Hot Moon is a skip.
5.8 out of 10
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