Holy Ghost! - Crime Cutz

Holy Ghost!
Crime Cutz

You really can't talk about the resurgence of disco without mentioning Holy Ghost!. Their single "Hold On" was a massive success for the band and signified a shift in style that was brighter, bolder and more ready for the days that were ahead. People were tired of drudgery and the oppressiveness that was the Bush years and getting out and dancing was perhaps the only solution. With disco it is easy to fall into the trap of doing to much, or pushing something to long, but Holy Ghost! have this really great touch that shines through on this EP of just doing enough. They won't hit you over the head with their music, instead they will let you arrive at it yourself and then fall down into the rabbit hole with them. What's new about this album however is the nod to 80's electropop. It is not an all out imitation job like M83's most recent record, thank god, but that genre sort of colors a lot of the music that comes from Crime Cutz. You can hear it in the opening of "Stereotype" which almost sounds like a Michael Jackson rhythm. But Holy Ghost! continue to push the envelope always going bigger and bigger with each track.

If this record has a weakness it could be it's reliance on very familiar tones. You really aren't hearing new synths, or a new take but rather a better take. Their restraint is almost a hazard because they don't end up taking the plunge off the edge even further than they already do. "Compass Point" is the one track that reaches a similar level as "Hold On" and it happens to be the only instrumental on the record. It is fun yet still maintains an air of mystery, like going into a night not knowing the outcome but knowing you are in store for something really exciting. The beat on "Footsteps" is another highlight. It thaps away as the vocal gently dances in and out of the track. There is however an absence of a lot of the low end on the record, which would be a nice addition and actually comes through when they play it live. It may have taken HOly Ghost! awhile to get back to making music, but if this EP is any indication on where they are going then watch out we may have something truly great coming on the horizon.

7.1 out of 10


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