Bad Suns - Disappear Here
Bad Suns
Disappear Here
Language & Perspective was a thunderous record for Bad Suns. Songs like "Cardiac Arrest" and "Salt" propelled them into stadium tours with Halsey, and a slew of Late Night appearances. The music of Language & Perspective was upbeat positive rock, fun but with a solid message. Disappear Here somewhat picks up where that record left off, but instead of doing something totally new or something exactly the same Bad Suns are able to take what they learned from making the first record and blend it into this new album. The record begins with the title track which has a synthy vibe reminiscent of Duran Duran. It is a very of the moment song but Bad Suns put their own spin on synthpop never drifting to far to one side or the other. The real kick off point on the album and we get some of that great Bad Suns rhythm is on "Even In My Dreams, I Can't Win". This is the sound that Bad Suns are absolutely known for with some really epic drumming. That however is nothing new, their first album was chalked full of fills that would make any drummer shiver. That pace they set with "Even In My Dreams, I Can't Win" doesn't really subside, and that is a good thing because after the first track there is a bit of a lull.
There is also a great deal of growth in the band when it comes to lyrics. There is far more introspection on Disappear Here but those infectious hooks still remain. A great deal of these songs sound like they were made for singing along while on long drives at sunset, and capturing that vibe is something a lot of bands try but very few actually accomplish. "Defeated" was originally released in 2010 but it has gotten a re-do on the new album making it a bigger bolder tune. When you listen to a track like "Daft Pretty Boys" it is just so infectious and so deep in a groove that dancing along is almost a requirement. If you can listen to these tracks and still scowl I'm afraid your soul might be cold as ice. There is also a very distinct The Police/Sting vibe on "Maybe We're Meant to be Alone" that slows the record down for a moment, but bathes it in this cool moonlight while really sticking it to an ex. Bad Suns have proven that they can keep their musical spirit very much alivewhile still taking some chances on this album. This is a band we will be hearing from for a long time and that is a very, very, VERY good thing.
8.2 out of 10
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