Gigamesh - Time Travel Vol. II

Time Travel Vol. II

Time Travel Vol. II is the second installment in Gigamesh's Time Travel series his first real releases in some time. I reviewed the previous EP and you can read that here ( and this new EP follows the same direction as the first. Nu-Disco is certainly the king on this album with a sprkinling of some really solid techno throughout. However the powerful female lead coupled with a dance track seems to be the king. "All Night" however is a much more house centered track and really shows off Gigamesh's technical skill. The way this record rolled out is also really interesting. Giving people some time to digest the first EP then hitting them with the second just as your music is beginning to move down on their playlists is really genius. It gives the listener something much more substantial than a single but doesn't bog someone down in an hour of straight listening. "The Music" which has been on previous EPs is a real standout here as well. There is some sort of wave quality to this track as it hits over and over again yet maintains this constant house beat that you cannot help but start moving to. 

If you listen to both EPs straight through the feeling is still just as fun and just as exciting, but in this form He is somehow able to do more and keep you interested in some similar sounding tunes. "Things Will Get Better" is another example of Gigamesh's affinity for 90s R&B with some really killer vocals, yet it still maintains it electronic sound. There is far less EDM-ish tracks on this record which is a welcome reprieve and makes the 20 minute run time seem to fly by. "Synchronize" is similar in style to "Thing Will Get Better" but it is a much more vocal driven track with Kaleena Zanders absolutely blowing the place apart. On their own this EPs are great and together they really bring something special. Gigamesh has proved that He is much more than just a remix artist and this is just the beginning for him. Get on board or you might miss this boat. 

8.0 out of 10


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