6ix9ine - DAY69


WARNING! Do not listen to this album without some kind of context on Tekeshi 6ix9ine. From the album cover you may think you are in for some Lil Yachty, Lil Uzi Vert, Lil Pump mishmash but good god would you be wrong. 6ix9ine's style is his unique blend of hardcore gangster rap and trap music. His songs are 100% about flexing, killing and reping his crew, for almost the entire record. If you look at some of his music videos they look like some real aggressive gang banging but then here he is with his rainbow hair. It's just so fucking odd, but maybe that's the point. Musically this hardcore rap and trap just don't mix, you have to pump the bests up so they are way to fast almost loosing any of that rap lean that is so famous. It just hard beats for 6ix9ine to talk about how persecuted He his and how hard it is on the streets. Fetty Wap joins him on "KEKE" that is almost laughable when you hear him talking about committing some kind of violent crime. The problem is nothing fits here, there is this constant smashing of different styles together but instead of creating this slick sound it just seems clunky and odd. 6ix9ine does nothing to help the record because his delivery stays exactly the same for 100% of the record: yelling. He yells through this whole fucking thing with the only breaks coming when He let's a feature come in. This is almost the definition of SoundCloud Rap, but it's so off putting it's hard to listen to.

Here is the thing, like punk rock before it I see a place for this music in disenchanted youth. It has all the hallmarks of "you're too old to get it": aggression, almost incoherent lyrics and a pace that feels unnecessary. You'll notice a theme coming through eventually, perhaps it's after the 10,000th time 6ix9ine says "I really do this" or "we really gang bang". Nothing says I'm telling the truth like having to repeat yourself over and over. On "KOODA" he also threatens to pull up to internet commentors' mothers houses in a black van and shoot them up, which seems, i don't know, pretty chill? How 6ix9ine got Young Thug, Offset, Troy Lanez and Fetty Wap to agree to be on this makes He think He must have some kind of dirt on them. By the time "don't start no shit, won't be no shit!" chant starts on "MOOKY" it is officially enough of this fucking nonsense. It would be different if 6ix9ine had absolutely anything to say, but He just repeats the same gangster rap tropes we've heard for years. So if you want to go to a club, jump around and bang into your friends while a dude with rainbow hair yells maybe 6ix9ine is for you, but for the rest of us this is just bad.

4.2 out of 10


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