Troye Sivan - Bloom

Troye Sivan

The thing that separates Troye Sivan from the majority of pop stars today is a strong sense of authenticity. From his days on Youtube to an eventual album and now this, his second, Bloom  emerges on the stage. Since his first record Sivan has solidified himself as an icon of sorts for the younger generation. Being Gay, White, Middle Class and from Australia you would expect Sivan to be the furthest thing from in touch but He has always gotten it. He deflects praise to other artists in the same space while continuing to put out music his own way. Those are the things that make the 22 year old seem like generally a good guy, but now He has this album to back up his musical chops as well. The last record felt, as it was, young. Troye didn't feel like He had his own voice, nor his own experiences to relate to us, just ideas of what those might be. Now however his songs are imbued with this reach lyrical quality that is chill enduing. He also manages to weave in and out of pop bangers that vacillate from light and breathy to deeply evocative tracks. Plum" sits right on this edge of being super bright and fun and then being a track that feels like it truly matters. That sweet spot is one place that no all artists can find, so when one does it makes their sound absolutely soar.

There is this idea floating around that because Torye Sivan doesn't sugarcoat the fact that He has relationships with men in his songs. He sings to his partner, flirts and moves between the pursuer and pursued throughout. Just because it is a love story from a different perspective doesn't make it any less a love story. I think Sivan wisely keeps the trap drums to a minimum and the only time they truly stand out is on the albums final track "Animal" where they create this huge wall of sound for his lyrics to almost glide over. Sivan never over sings or reaches for notes outside of his range, which limits his actual vocals, but allows the music of the tracks to take more prominence. Ariana Grande features on "Dance to This" and you hear what it sounds like when the vocals take over and become the focus point of the track. Sivan music has improved leaps and bounds on this sophomore effort and He is proving that at only 22 He already has his finger firmly on the pulse.

8.2 out of 10


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