LSD - Labrinth, Sia and Diplo Present...LSD

Labrinth, Sia and Diplo Present...LSD

The idea is a novel one, get some of the biggest names in pop music together, strip them of the expectations that comes from having those names and throw in a dose of psychedelia to see what the hell happens. That is exactly what this album feels like, three people, maybe even friends getting together and fooling around in the studio. The problem is in playing to each of their strengths the album fails to offer even the slightest new thing. Labrinth the least know of the crew strips away his typical autotune for a more full voice vocal, but it does little playing second fiddle to Sia's all powerful singing. You keep waiting for something to move you, but the album just sort of ticks along without making much of an impact. The visuals for the record seem far more important than the actual music. Not to mention that many of these tracks have been out for awhile making them feel like they are a bit dated. On "Audio" Sia repeats "We can't live on with-out the rhyth-m" giving us a flashback to some of the more cringe EDM lines she has sung in the past. For all of Sia's song writing credits she has also performed some of the more straight up EDM tracks like her collaboration with David Guetta "Titanium". It doesn't mean she can't turn a phrase it just means that sometimes those phrases are a little ridiculous. 

At times this album is actually a bit hard to get through. It just feels sort of generic and leaves you scratching your head as to why. This record should be wild and experimental, throwing everything at the wall just to see what happens, but instead they play it safe. Doesn't "No New Friends" sound like the most Diplo-esque statement ever? Well He's got a song on here named just that and it sounds a whole hell of a lot like a Major Laser track that they threw out. At least the album is short because I don't know how much of this I could actually take. It just feels like this album's concept was thought about much more than the actual music, if any thought was given to either, it just doesn't feel cared for. Just avoid this one and let's call it a fucking day. 

3.0 out of 10


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