Empire of the Sun - Two Vines

Empire of the Sun
Two Vines

Empire of the Sun seem to be going two directions at once. On one hand they are full of drama and their live show production is more of an event than your typical concert. However on the other hand their music is light, easily digestible electropop that doesn't quite fit with all the production. So you either have to approach them as a pretty fun sounding band, or as the highly theatrical show that they seem to fall back to. On this album the Australian duo seek to find a more comforting peaceful time, where we looked at the world almost childlike rather than letting the pressures of real life overcome us. This sense of nostalgia is peppered throughout the album, but they never give up their sound just to make a basic connection. Two Vines' version of electropop is easy and fun, sing and dance along because what in the hell else are we going to do. This record also seems a bit looser than 2013's Ice on the Dune, where it was produced within an inch of it's life. "Friends" seems almost organic in it's delivery and vibe which is very new territory for Empire, but it suits them well. Some of the album was recorded in Hawaii, and while Hawaiian music doesn't influence the record the place seems to have seeped in.

"There's No Need" is another fun middle of the album standout, and is actually a bit different from their normal sound. Most of the record however is right in line with what we have heard from Empire of the Sun before, they really take no risks, but it doesn't hurt them. Lyrically however do not expect much in terms of depth because it is simply not there. Most of the album is filled with the typical electronic tropes like "Together we can" seem to be the beginning and end of all their writing. Empire have high minded ideas about what their music is and can be, but they never deliver on that, instead it is just some decent electropop while they are telling you it is so much more. Perhaps it is this idea that makes them fun to listen to but infuriating to watch. They take themselves and this project so seriously it seems laughable when they come out in full costume and sing a bright fun song. It's just confusing. Two Vines however taken on it's own is quite a good time, and despite all the confusion is worth a listen.

7.1 out of 10


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