Lana Del Rey - Honeymoon

Lana Del Rey

Things have changed for Lana Del Rey over three album releases. Her music has gone from anger to boredom then to being bored of being angery. Her apathy and cold stare into the world was what drew so many people to her last album. It was cognitive dissonance but not against reality but rather against popular culture. Her persona became her reality and that reality is reflected on Honeymoon. If you are looking for vocal runs or passionate singing you are going to find it here. Del Rey slides through each track letting her voice more spill over the music rather sing directly into it. It's an approach that most people could not pull off, but somehow Lana Del Rey makes it work. Her persona drives this record completely if you know nothing of the singer Honeymoon will be almost impossible for you to get.

There is a loneliness that is highlighted throughout the record, however it is not a sad loneliness it is more one of self actualization and realizing that your only fate is to exist alone in the world. It is something that the character of Lana Del Rey was not ready for in her first tow albums, but it seems time has changed and her music has moved more inward. These songs are never being sung to or for someone, more you are meant to be feeling these same emotions right along with her. It is almost Bob Dylanesque in attempting to capture the heart of a large group of people in music. If there is a critique it may be that the record does drag a bit with Del Rey never really singing above a whisper. You keep waiting for a crescendo or something to bring your attention back from the ethereal, but it just never comes. Honeymoon is quite the trip and worth a listen just for the experience of something potentially so new. Give it a spin.

8.7 out of 10


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