Motion City Soundtrack - Panic Stations
Motion City Soundtrack
Panic Stations
After so many years of making music it's hard to believe that Panic Stations is only the sixth studio album from Motion City Soundtrack. On this newest record they certainly aren't trying to reinvent the wheel sticking with the same brand of pop punk and emo that first got them national acclaim. Motion City Soundtrack have always been a step ahead because their music was often infused with humor and a light heartedness that brought their stellar playing to another level. This record however is a bit more grown up, much more Jimmy Eat World than Blink-182. The boys seem to have accepted the fact that they are growing up but still want to keep the ska and punk backbone that brought them to where they are today. Then there is Justin Pierre who's ability to sing a hook is really unrivaled. Say what you will about pop music, if Justin Pierre is singing it it is worth a listen.
The one miss here seems to be the heaviness of the lyrics. You keep looking for something light but at just under 40 minutes this album hits you quickly then runs away. No song goes on to long leaving you wanting to hear whatever that was just one more time. This record also features Motion City Soundtrack's unmistakable ability to write a break up song. They have been doing it for years and this album though more grown up still lets you know the have something to say when it comes to letting go or moving on. If you are ready for a blast from the past that still hold water today then give Panic Stations a listen, just make sure you are prepared to start moshing again.
6.9 out of 10
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