Lenno - Good Thing EP

Good Thing EP

You won't often find me reviewing an EP this short, but Lenno has been producing some of my favorite originals and remixes so this gives me an excuse to finally get his name out there. I first got introduced to Lenno through St. Lucia and his remix of "We Got It Wrong" which is absolutely stellar. He has such a funky synthy style that is always bright, razor sharp and uses silences just as well as He uses sound. The one element that really sets Lenno apart from other producers is just how much He uses funk music throughout the tunes he creates. It seems like being funky is his number one goal and everything grows from that starting point. There are two versions of the title track "Good Thing" and each is very distinct, the first being more of a slow burn and constant groove with the later being a more high energy dance track. This is the hallmark of much of his music though, He is able to balance between the super bright fun tracks and those requiring much more of a groove. The really great thing about his music however is just how knock down drag out fun it is, you can't help but smile and get a boost in your day when you hear this, in the very best way.

I have been saying it for some time now, and I still believe that Lenno is going to explode soon. His music is just to damn good to go unnoticed. You are not going to get everything you need to experience Lenno just listening to Good Thing so what you should do is get into some of the other EPs that He has put out as well as those incredible remixes. This review obviously is more an evaluation of his breadth of work rather than just a four track EP that has two of the same song, but this is just an entry point to Lenno. Get into it, and do it now.

8.7 out of 10


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