Orlando Voorn - In My World
Orlando Voorn
In My World
Many times in straight up electronic music you will get vast and deep soundscapes. The music will seek to transport you somewhere into some kind of different reality but in a sweeping way. The new record from Orlando Voorn breaks that mold and sets out on a new, vastly different, path. The music of In My World is funky and colorful with a heavy dose of whimsy. One on hand there is a heavy amount of house influences keeping the pacing at a high level, but then on tracks like "Goon" there comes this burst of childish instruments that pulls the song into a totally different direction than it began. The sense of industrial house is always present, but it is understated living somewhere under the surface and driving the sound but allowing Voorn a place to play and explore. When you heard Chicago House you are almost prepared for something dark, bass heavy and driving but In My World never slips into that darkness and never uses the bass as it's central point. It is really quite interesting and a departure from really anything else out there.
The overarching theme here seems to be the circus. There is so much color and so much varied forms of sound that the only thing that would come close to the variety would be a circus. That feeling seems quite intentional, taking this kind of techno out of the industrial basement and into the world in a mainstream yet very odd way. Towards the end of the record and especially on "Chicago By Night" is when Voorn really gets into a deep house groove and lets the beat carry the song on as any great house DJ does. However any normalcy that "Chicago By Night" is quickly interrupted by the spastic and almost arcade sounding "Predator's Cave". It is like Voorn wants to pull you in with something that will sound familiar then once he has you he is going to shock you with something you've never heard before. Any sense of space and groove that you had is abruptly changed just keeping you on your toes. If you are looking to take an journey through a world of light and sound, then dig deep into In My World. It will be an exploration of techno delight.
7.6 out of 10
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