Colleen Green - Colleen Green EP

Colleen Green
Colleen Green EP

The follow up to last years hyper self aware album I Want To Grow Up was always going to be an uphill battle, but if anyone was going to be able to storm the hill it would be Colleen Green. Her self titled EP is the perfect next step in her music recognizing that winter is finally over and the sweaty months of Spring and Summer are just around the corner. Colleen has described her sound before as "Ramones-core" and on this record you can hear it in spades. The doubled guitars, deadpan delivery and constant drums make for an homage to the punk rockers that many try to imitate, but very few look for where that music should take you next. Colleen Green does that. As with a lot of her music the starting point of Colleen's music is not being able to understand or participate in what is considered normality for her generation. "Disco" chronicles Colleen's struggle with friends wanting to go out and her reluctance to do so. Her happy place is based firmly on being home where she has her tunes her weed and a comfy couch to sit on.

"Green My Eyes" is one of the only empowerment songs we have ever heard from Green as she looks for a way to overcome jealousy. It is also one of the brightest tracks and has Green singing some of her best lyrics yet. This album also feels less bleak than her last. The adult world that Colleen was looking for on I Want To Grow Up may not be as norm-core as she originally postulated. The album does lack a bit of layering or depth, but that really is what makes Colleen Green endearing. Her music is so minimal yet so rich. "Between The Lines" rounds out the six track EP and has this ticking time bomb quality that really makes it a lot of fun. She builds the track layer by layer until you are hit right in the face with her very raw power. This self titled EP is one of those albums that just oozes cool without trying, and that is something that Green is an expert at. A really great follow up or just another introduction to Ms. Green this EP simply furthers what she has already begun.

8.0 out of 10


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