Disclosure - Moog For Love

Moog For Love EP

In a somewhat surprising move Disclosure have released this Moog For Love EP following up the somewhat disappointing Carcal from last year. The EP is a bit, make that quite the departure for the brothers evoking more of a summer pool party feel rather then their late night house style. The transformation is complete on the second track "Feel Like I Do" with an Al Green sample and a bright poppy vibe. They never go full tropical only kind of hover around the idea to play with it for awhile. That might explain why this EP is so short at only 16 minutes. Perhaps the boys of Disclosure were just looking to give something a try for a few tracks rather than dig in head first. While this record may not be up to their usual standard it does have a really nice appeal. You realyl can imagine yourself, sunglasses on, cocktail in hand at some kind of outdoor party really really enjoying this. I believe that is the real point, Disclosure wanted to give people something to enjoy during the summer months and that is exactly what they did.

The real criticism you can level against this album however is there really is nothing new, not just for Disclosure, but in this entire genre of music. The Brothers may have well held up a recorder at any Vegas Pool party and they may have ended up with the same album. As a one off, this really isn't a problem, but when you take it in the context that Caracal was not all that inventive either things start to look a little bit shakey. While the AL Green track is quite pretty it is pedestrian, so the only real standout is "Moog For Love". The synths really shine and put the track in this sort of middle ground between day and night making it possible to enjoy this all the time. Moog For Love is not going to take the industry by storm, or put Disclosure any more on the map than they already are, but for now it is a nice little piece to put on and vibe out to this summer.

6.1 out of 10


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