Shura - Nothing's Real

Nothing's Real

On her debut album Shura takes on the 80s and electropop while still managing to keep a fierce integrity. Nothing's Real takes all the best elements that came from 80s pop and throws away the rest of the bullshit. The result is a super bright and interesting record that is just as deep as it is fun. On the album we hear Shura deal with real issues including anxiety, loss and loneliness but all done through this very clear pop lens. It is very much in the camp of "alt-pop" where artists are using pop as the vehicle delivery system, but the message is anything but bubblegum. This is probably most evident on "Kidz 'N' Stuff" where you have this really beautiful song that is accompanied with super solid lyrics, but as you listen you realize this is an all out pop song, just done at a level higher than anyone else in the game is doing it. Nothing's Real is about coming to terms with growing up and the struggles that every person goes through as they try to define their place in the world. Shura actually goes in to the time she had an all out panic attack after one of her songs got a lot of play on youtube and the record labels came calling. "What Happened To US" is an almost perfect summation of a summer romance gone bad seen through the sepia tone haze. The inclusion of just the tiniest guitar solo at the end of the track also gives it another bump up.

While the direction of the record is obviously grounded in pop, Shura does tend to go all over the place within the genre. Her approach is cast a wide net and see what sticks which at times works really well but other times leaves her sounding a bit generic musically. As an openly gay artist that story line does creep in to her music, but it is never like she is forcing a political statement or trying to be edgy for edgy's sake. Instead she simply is giving you a glimpse at her own life and where she is now. The bigger bolder numbers are the ones that succeed the most but some of the softer sweet tunes like "2Shy" still hold their own amongst all of this. At almost an hour long this 13 track record just kind of flies by and before you know it you are at the end, satiated, but still ready to hear some more. Nothing's Real is a really great signal both for Shura's career and pop music in general. People are mor willing to play in this genre than ever before and the music we are getting is all the better for it. This is really one you do not want to miss.

8.0 out of 10


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