Coldplay - Kaleidoscope EP
Kaleidoscope EP
I've never been the massive Coldplay hater that much of the world seems to be. Their songs were fine if not all that impressive, but there were a few times like on "Fix You" where it felt like Coldplay actually could do something pretty transcendent. Yet the rumors of theft always tarnished their career, and by tarnished I mean it allowed them to make millions of dollars. It has been a long time since Coldplay have put out anything under their own banner rather than just a few collaborations. "All I Can Think About" really does set you off on a high note, though the song does sound a lot like their hit "Sky Full of Stars". However all the promise that "All I Can Think About" has really leads to nothing, it is four and a half minutes of build and tension which sort of dissipates into nothingness with a shitty guitar solo. The Chainsmokers collaboration "Something Like This" also makes it's way onto this record, shockingly this is Coldplay's biggest hit to date, but on Kaleidoscope it is a live version from Tokyo. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the song still really, really sucks. The track just feels so devoid of any substance or emotion, like a pop song written by coloring book; all the bones were there just ad three famous white dudes and kablamo you got yourself a hit.
It is not all terrible though, "Miracles" has this kind fun funk wave style and a pretty decent verse from Big Sean. The song shifts when Sean comes in to a more downbeat hip hop style, but only subtly, and then shifts back to a more dream pop sort of sound when Chris Martin comes back in. "A L I E N S" was produced by Brian Eno, so the expanse sound is quite epic, but god Chris Martin's lyrics trying to dig into the immigrant crisis in Europe are so transparent and bland that any effect the song might have had just sort of vanishes. The timing of this EP also makes entirely no sense unless they plan to couple this with another album release soon like they did with Viva La Vida. The live version of "Something Like This" however does show you how Coldplay can still move an entire stadium. When you hear the whole crowd singing along its damn near magical, you find yourself buying in, but when the song ends it's like eating a greasy meal, you regret what you've done here. This record is not the one to turn all the haters around, nor is the one fans will continue to turn to year after year, it just feels like a placeholder for the band and the effort put into it feels about the same.
3.9 out of 10
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