Lindsey Buckingham Christine McVie - Lindsey Buckingham Christine McVie

Lindsey Buckingham Christine McVie
Lindsey Buckingham Christine McVie

Lindsey Buckingham and Christine McVie are names that are permanently etched in pop music history. You would have a hard time finding anyone who can't sing a chorus from Fleetwood Mac's extensive catalogue, and much of that is due to Buckingham and McVie. This new record coming after a 2014 is essentially a Fleetwood Mac record minus only Stevie Nicks, who for obvious likely witchy related activities decided to sit out the recording process. Mic Fleetwood and John McVie however join on the drums and bass respectively, so most of the gang is here. Lindsey Buckingham Christine McVie really proves that even all these years later they can still write super bright pop music with a hook that latches right on. They don't sound dated at all, nor really all that old. Usually when these bands come back on the 12th or 15th reunion tour they edge more country and tone everything down, but not here not this band. McVie's voice like on "Everywhere" is the real star driving the verses forward and then slipping to allow the harmonies to surge during the chorus. They just dance so effortlessly across their music, it just sort of slips out and feels so incredibly natural. There is just this ease in liking this record it feels so comfortable.

That comfort however is one of the things that eventually begins to wear a little thin on the record. The albums opener "Sleeping Around the Corner" is just all out great and trying to back it up with nine more songs would be tough for any band, but it would be Fleetwood Mac - Stevie Nicks who would take on that challenge. What you get most is just how much fun they are having being back in the studio. The record drips with excitement, not only can they still do it, they can do it better than most anyone else. By the end it just feels like way to much of their signature sound without a change up, there has to be something new and fresh something that challenges them in order to really make the record soar. This is not the record that is going to change pop music or move it into another stage. However the music on Lindsey Buckingham Christine McVie is so easy and so bright that you can;t help but fall in love, again.

7.9 out of 10


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