Seven Lions - Where I Won't Be Found

Seven Lions
Where I Won't Be Found EP

It is hard not to like Seven Lions, real hard. His brand of melodic Duds-step and EDM create these brilliant soundscapes and take you on a real journey. Where a lot of EDM is perfectly comfortable to sit in a club or dance pocket, Seven Lions always pushed further creating something more visual and ethereal. He does not skip a beat on this new record Where I Won't Be Found instilling everything he is best at in the EP. Instead of just being able to make you dance Seven Lions (Jeff Montalvo) makes you feel. He transports you to whichever alien world he has in his mind with his music and then the vocals send it into an entirely new dimension. The music is somehow ambient without being ambient, it creates the world then puts you in it rather than just showing it to you. That is Seven Lions at his absolute best, but there are also times where he falls short of these ideals. "Slow Dive" is the first really awkward track, just sort of clunking along and is quite one note throughout. It doesn't even really fit within the aesthetic of the rest of the record. "Sun Won't Rise" is another weird track which is only build. You expect the track to go somewhere or change but it just sort of slowly builds and builds then ends. As an into to the next track "Rescue Me" I guess it makes a bit of sense, but there really is not much tying the two together.

The rest of the album seems to fall short of the expectations the first two tracks set. You keep waiting for Seven Lions to find his groove and really pull you in, but He never does. Seven Lions has said in interviews that a lot of music is coming so this may a be a piece of a bigger whole, but on it's own it just does not stand up. "Steps of Deep Slumber" has some major Porter Robinson influences running through it, but it doesn't hit the mark like Porter's music does. It is right on the cusp of something great but doesn't exactly hit it. Where I Won't Be Found sounds like the start of an idea rather than something fully flushed out. There are a few euphoric moments but not nearly enough to carry the album through. A few tracks are worth some repeat visits but don;t expect this record to be making it on to any of Seven Lions' best of''s. We'll just have to wait and see what He does next.

5.8 out of 10


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