Coast Modern - Coast Modern
Coast Modern
Coast Modern
Zen indie? Meditative Dream Pop? there are a lot of names that you could possibly use to describe Coast Modern's self titled record, but the one thing it is start to finish is present. Coast Modern feel so focused on capturing the exact moment these songs are trying to show that each song feels like its own little time capsule. you would think that this would mean that the music would feel dated or contrived, but instead Coast Modern sound like they are existing in the exact moment they are supposed to. "Tiny Umbrella" has this great vibey sound almost Glass Animals-esque but then it's description of the exact drink you will be having with the exact person makes it so grounded in reality. The idea is great but it does not always come together perfectly. "Guru" feels really orced and far to enveloped in a California Hippy lifestyle. The rapping halfway through the song is also cringy as fuck. It seems like when the move to far towards the reggae side of things is when they really start to sound like they are missing the mark. There is really a lane that they slip into which fits them just perfectly and for the most part the slide right into that, however there are a few times where they seem to be very paf off.
The album has an odd setup with most of the songs hitting the three minute mark, but then some clocking in at less than a minute. It does allow the 18 track record to really sail by, never lingering to long on one thing or another. "Pockets Full of No" however uses an airhorn, a possible nod to hip hop, that is so perfectly timed and shows these guys really do have some legit swagger. "Run it Up" is similarly Hip Hop inspired, but does have that thing where it sounds like someone trying to be inspired by hip hop rather than just allowing it to happen naturally. However it is also nice to hear a band taking a risk and really trying something different. "Animals" is likely the song you know the band from, and for good reason because it is the track where absolutely everything comes together for them. It manages to be anthemic but in a very different way. There are plenty of reggae/rap/rock bands out there but god do most of them fucking suck, but Coast Modern are able to find that really nice balance. It would be different if it felt like Coast Modern were trying to force something, but on this album it really seems like they are just a couple of weird guys out here doing their thing. There are highs as well as lows on this album but it feels like the beginning of something great in their early career.
7.9 out of 10
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