Randy Newman - Dark Matter
Randy Newman
Dark Matter
If you don't like Randy Newman, I don't know, maybe you are just kind of an asshole. The man has written some of the most heartfelt yet cynical songs in the history of the world, not to mention one of the greatest tunes about friendship ever penned ("You've Got a Friend in Me"). When you saw Andy and his favorite toy Woody play together as the sweet song unfolded, it touched you right in your childhood soul. His music is simple, his singing is nice but nothing stands out in particular as the reason for his awesomeness, and that is because it is not one specific talent that Newman is great it, it is a combination of all of them. It feels like He stumbles into these beautiful sentiments, brilliant ideas and gentle strolls as He always plays the bumbling musician just trying to ply his trade. "The Great Debate" opens his first album of new music in nine years with a tale about the things we seem to be constantly arguing about; evolution, theism, ect. Newman lays out his beliefs in the eight minute epic, recounting his beliefs in God AND Global Warming, Evolution and Eternal Life. It is that thing that people, especially politicians can't seem to fucking grasp, you are allowed to have opinions that perhaps don't line up completely even if you are living your subjective truth, the important piece is how you practice those beliefs, is it with love and grace or disdain for your fellow man? Newman believes in the power of human connection, human interaction rather than high minded platitudes. Randy Newman is able to make the worst opinions seem human, even if we hate his characters in the end you realize they are still just one of us regardless of how lost they may be. All of this is front and center on Dark Matter, and also an Orchestra always an Orchestra.
Call it nostalgia, but somehow Randy Newman gets the waterworks flowing in me so quickly. Almost before He hits a note the pumps are primed as He takes you on this amazing journeys complete with all the twists and turns of an Oscar caliber movie. "Brothers" is an imaginary conversation between JFK and RFK debating the Bay of Pigs Invasion all wrapped up in JFK's love for a Cuban singer named Celia Cruz. The stories are just so fascinating but when coupled with this inspiring music it just sets the song alive. It is also refreshing to hear someone who is so wholly American, and proud of it. Newman knows we have our issues, yet is so proud of the people who populate this country, you can hear it in every note. Some people think his music can be a bit goofy or dumb, but that's the trick, His music is so very smart but not aggrandizing, not overly intellectual. His words are plain, and He says them full voice so you really hear them. Dark Matter is not really a slice of life because it goes so much deeper than that, it gets into the characters' motivations and Newman gives them complex ideas to explore. Maybe enough has been said about Randy Newman's greatness, or perhaps not enough, but He continues to be one of the best songwriters of all time well into his 70s. This record just shows the world is luckily to have an artist like Randy Newman in it.
9.0 out of 10
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