Sevdaliza - ISON
ISON is the debut album from multi-instrumentalist and experimental artist Sevdaliza. She was born in Iran but calls The Netherlands home and this album is filled with miles and miles of depth. The first song opens almost Bjork like, soft backing music and a deep rumbly female voice cuts through the space. Minimal production and gentle beats populate the first few tracks of ISON giving it this real slow and meandering quality. Taking time to experience the world around her and allow the song to unfold rather than pushing it towards one end or the other. It is almost like you are discovering the point of the song at the same time she is. It becomes more of a communal experience rather than singular reflection. There are times when the album feels ambient and spacey then others when it is firmly grounded in R&B and Trip Hop. "Hero" sort of wiggles through one of the Trip Hop vibes and it almost verges on something that could be considered pop, but it maintains an elusiveness and distance that never lets the track get to catchy. It is clear that music is only one dimension of Sevdaliza's artistic endeavours. The albums cover meant to look like she was giving birth to herself and all her past lives as well as this record. The picture is somewhat horrifying even if it is conveying a strong sense of self and responsibility. Each choice she makes on this record serves the creative vibe and her ability to blend these somewhat disparate styles is rather amazing.
You would be tempted to call an album like ISON psychedelic, but it feels so grounded in capital "R" real things that it works almost effortlessly. Some of the more experimental producers feel like they are trying so hard to be different, really forcing the issue, but not Sevdaliza the songs just flow from her. The record is big at sixteen tracks and over an hours worth of music, but Sevdaliza is so comfortable from the first moment, any first album jitters just melt away. "Do You Feel Real" entirely flips the script by beginning with this orchestral inspired intro which skittering descends into a full indie dance track. It's hard to hold on, but still wildly interesting as she uses spoken word to really ground the track. In the later half of the record a lot of clips from outside sources make their way on the record with once speech about treating women right really standing out. What is interesting is that the speech is from a pastor, not exactly who you would expect. Yet that is this album, and that is this artist, taking what you expect and giving you the opposite. Sometimes this can result in a confusing and off putting record, but not here, ISON is experimental music done right, so perhaps take a risk and check out this record.
8.3 out of 10
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