School of Seven Bells - SVIIB

School of Seven Bells

"Ablaze" the first track off of School of Seven Bells' new album SVIIB really sets the tone for things to come. The song is exciting, inventive and signals all the great things to come as the album progresses. Alejandra Deheza's voice is crystal clear throughout the record accompanying what is in essence really high level electropop. In 2013 Deheza's creative partner and on again off again partner Benjamin Curtis died which has clearly had a profound effect on the music of School of Seven Bells. SVIIB feels like an ending but not going out with a slow decline, more celebrating a life well lived. SVIIB is much more raw than anything the band has done before. This music is supposed to hit you in the soul rather than than tell a story through metaphor and deep introspection as some of their previous work did. With this in mind "Ablaze" makes so much more sense, it has a let's bring everything together and put everything on the table right at the beginning, no bullshit. While SVIIB is more a memorial than anything else it is one that refuses to go quietly into that good night. "Open Your Eyes" is perhaps the most emotionally charged song on a record full of them specially when Deheza sings "Do you feel better babe?", but when you know even a little of the story behind this album that song takes on so much more meaning.

You really can get lost in remembering what School of Seven Bells were and how they came to an end and forget that from top to bottom this is a really good album. Each track builds on the last and makes the 41 minute run time seem to just fly right by. Their is so little fat on this record that it just swoops right in keeping a high pace and moving on. Their sound is also quite a bit richer than on previous releases, the synths used on SVIIB do not have that hollow metallic quality instead they feel organic and real. "This Is Our Time" is the real battle cry of the record summing everything up, just as "Ablaze" ushered in what was to come. Seeing this as an ending is quite sad, but it means something new is on the horizon for Alejandra and if this record is any indication than that is a very good thing. AS an ending for the group SVIIB is nothing short of of a blissful goodbye complete with melancholy, joy and hope. Truly a fitting end to a great band.

8.7 out of 10


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