Haim - Something to Tell You

Something to Tell You

I don't know why but it feels easy to hate on Haim. Three pretty sisters who blew up almost out of no where in 2013 and were the just at the tail end of the Indie Rock explosion. Their first record however was more Fleetwood Mac than it was Arcade Fire, setting themselves up for a shift in style if necessary. This new record Something to Tell You is just the shift they needed; almost exclusively inspired by 60s and 70s pop with the occasional 80s tone thrown in. With their first record it seemed like Haim were very concerned with being considered real musicians, but this album feels easier, more effervescent. "Little of Your Love" is about unrequited love but with a fantastic beat and harmonies from the sisters that will have you clapping along whether you fucking like it or not. Ariel Rechtshaid handles the production duties and crafts and absolutely stellar sounding record. These little off kilter drops like a fax machine or the screech on lead single "Want You Back" work so well and take such a delicate touch to not feel silly. While the majority of the record does settle on love, loss and the like, it just seems to flow out of the girls. Danielle, the lead singer of the group really shines on this record but when all three come together in those flourishes of harmony it is something to behold. "You Never Know" sounds like it seriously could have been a Fleetwood Mac song in another life, something you find yourself saying again and again.

"You Never Knew" is the real emotional heart of the album co-written with Dev Hynes. The song is all at once dancey and highly personal, like a bunch of lasers going off but your best friends standing right behind you giving you strength. Peppered throughout the album is the idea that despite your heart is broken there is always the chance for even the briefest moment of relief, finding strength in yourself and your decisions. Haim's delivery is so confident, they know exactly what their sound is supposed to be which is why Something to Tell You feels so much better than so many sophomore releases. There are times like on "Walking Away" where it feels like the sisters get a little to slick for their own good, and actually overtake themselves in terms of style. They also can tend to be a bit broad in their writing overall, writing songs that you can connect with but don't have the clearest emotional center. Some of the punch the earlier tracks have loose a bit of steam in the later songs, "Night So Long" the albums closer just drags and drags. However Something to Tell You is a really splendid album from a band that seems to really get what they are and what they can do. Give this one a spin.

8.0 out of 10


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