JLIN - Dark Energy
Dark Energy
Dark Energy is the first album from producer JLIN and much like its name suggests this record is an exercise in aggressive sound and brooding tones. From moment one the listener hears pounding repetitive samples with a ghostly vocal clipped in the background. The tone is quite ominous and unending throughout the album. JLIN never lets up or even gives you a moment to catch your breath, it is just track after track of intensity. This apparently is a hallmark of a genre of music and dance called "footwork" where going as hard as possible for as long as possible is the ultimate goal. The music sounds like it comes from another country (IE world music) so its odd to find out that this style of music as well as the artist are from the midwest.
Besides its darkness and the brooding nature of the tracks it is really hard to pin this music down. All at once you are enraptured as what you are hearing surrounds you, but there is also the sense that this is something completely different and unappealing. The conflict throughout the album is no mistake, JLIN wants you to not like his music almost daring you to enjoy it. Perhaps that is what makes it so appealing that very conflicted nature. I can imagine most people will not like this record, but somehow I find myself actually getting into it, almost against my better judgement. Listen for yourself, if you dare...
6 out of 10
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