The Mighty Mocambos - Showdown

The Mighty Mocambos

The problem with Funk music is it can either be transcendent and amazing or really just pretty plain and boring. The difference between the two often isn't very much it is just something that makes one band, one song better than the other. Unfortunately for The Might Mocambos with their latest album Showdown they fall into the plain category. Nothing is inherently wrong with the record, but it is all music you have heard before and you've heard it done better. One interesting thing is the blending of Latin style music with classic funk, it works on one level and seems like it could really be worked out into something special. There just isn't enough experimentation here to warrant a pass on those grounds alone.

There is also the issue of its length. You expect a good deal of fluff when funk is involved but this record seems to go on and on and on. I do understand the need to keep the groove going but on this record I more just wanted it to stop. A free form groove works great in a live setting, just not on a record. There really isn't to much to get excited about on this record. Definitely a skip for me.

4.5 out of 10


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