Reptar - Lurid Glow

Lurid Glow

Reptar's new album Lurid Glow (their sophomore release) holds steady to their new wave sensibilities while trying something a bit new along the way. This record is far more synthy then their earlier release. Every instrument has a poppy synth feel throughout the album which gives the tracks more of a hollow feeling than their other releases. Where Reptar's strength in the past was their blend of the synth with real rock music that balance is all but gone in this record. The vocals however have gotten much more crisp, something a little dough for production can do. It just seems like Reptar through a bunch of ideas at this album, and they are all really good one, but they just have not been fleshed out enough to be really great songs.

 "Daily Season" in the end is a pretty solid track, but it take so long to get going that by the time it finally hits it's stride you are already bored. Which brings up another issue I have with this record, it's crescendos. You can feel them coming and you get excited, but most of them fall flat and really let you down. There is definitely a nugget of greatness within this record, you can hear it and feel it, but Reptar just slightly missed the mark on this.

5 out of 10


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