Teen Men - Teen Men

Teen Men
Teen Men

There is quite a bit to say about a nice little electropop album that ticks all the boxes. That is exactly what Teen Men's self titled album does, everything you want from a tight album minus all fluff or sense of pretense. Because Teen Men (at least for now) is more of a side project for these musicians any sense of withholding is just not there. Nothing is to sacred or precious to try. Some of the sound does border on the twee side of things, but because the vibe is not one of treating the music as something special or delicate it never slides down the twee slope. And that is really the theme of this record, not taking anything so serious that it becomes life and death. In a world filled with bleakness there is still room for catchy electropop to bring some color into your life. 

This is a really short album, only 10 tracks and really doesn't leave a lasting impression. The music is there when it's there and enjoyable but it is hard to take a piece away with you to ruminate on later. This record is disposable, but not in that it isn't worthwhile but more in that it is good pop music to be enjoyed and then moved on from. Since this is a debut album I'm sure we can expect more things to come from Teen Men. Want to enjoy a sunny breezy day? Get into some Teen Men.

7 out of 10


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