Anchorsong - Ceremonial


Anchorsong is the stage name of Japanese producer Masaaki Yoshida who in the past has specialized in dubstep rhythms with an influence of eastern tones. Ceremonial however shows him taking a different approach to electronic music, there is a greater sense of freedom and experimentation here. As the name suggests there is a heavy element of tribal ceremonial sounds "Mother" in particular has that put your feet on the floor and move to some kind of higher power vibe, but in a completely modern sense. The track titles themselves "Eve", "Last Feast" and "Ceremony" all evoke that idea of ritual and connecting that to the dance world. It is something that has been present in EDM for a long time, that of some kind of shared ritual experience but it perhaps has never been this overt. Yoshida's intentions are right on the surface but the music provides such rich tones and vibe that it is easy to get lost into it. Much like a shaman tries to take you on a spiritual journey with psychedelics or meditation Yoshida is doing that with music.  

It can be noted however that as an experience the music can take on a bit of a one note quality. The change from "Kajo" into "Monsoon" then into the absolutely incredible "Butterflies" is tenuous at best. "Butterflies" however is where the entire album comes together. Yoshida brings in drums, strings, and synths to craft a highly dance-able yet never overly EDMy piece of music. This song is created more like a classical piece of music than anything else complete with different movements yet always bowing down to the rhythms of ceremonial dance. It really is something to behold. The takeaway from Ceremonial is that something about this sound sticks with you, there is a piece that embeds deep in your soul because so many of these sounds have been a part of us for thousands of years. Yoshida has taken that ancient idea of ceremonial songs and brought them forward and elevated them with this album. Quickly go and listen to Ceremonial you will not regret it.

8.1 out of 10


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