Daz & Snoop - Cuzznz

Daz & Snoop
Daz & Snoop - Cuzznz

Did you think that Snoop Dogg was only a YouTube star and corporate shill? Never heard of Daz? You are probably in the majority of people these days with Snoop putting out the occasional record which is decent at best and Daz being almost silent for years now. Daz once a producer for Tupac (All Eyez on Me) and Snoop apparently have never stopped making music together nor collaborating on other projects and thus we have this new full length record Cuzznz. For the most part the album is a straight up throw back to 90's hip hop. Songs like "N My System" and "Have U Eva" could have been plucked out of 1996 and despite some cleaner production none would be the wiser. The album cover is even reminiscent of the early days of gangster rap. The west coast hip hop style is alive and well on Cuzznz and comes out you non-stop for 54 minutes. For those who are feeling a bit tired of Trap and the current state of rap this is not the future it's the past, but it's kinda glorious. They may not be pushing the genre forward but a little reminder of where it has been is not such a bad thing.

However it is not all 90s glory and weed smoke here, there is so much that is an issue with this record it is hard to find a place to begin. First this album was more compiled than it was written. Years and years of tracks either shelved or released on a EP here or there makes certain that there is little coherency anywhere. "Dic Walk" an effort to create a little dance a la "the Dougie" is laughable in it's delivery. The posturing is so false and ridiculous on this track that any skill that either Snoop or Kurupt may display can easily be laughed away. Listening to the record you will hear beats that sound so close to other Snoop songs ("N My Life Tyme" "Gin N Juice") that comparisons or accusations of lifting are bound to be made. The album is also clunky in it's delivery, beats are allowed to much play, different styles are combined with little success and though Snoop does shine occasionally for the most part He comes across as out of touch. The little fanfare that came when this album was released probably reveals it was more of a money grab than anything else. Despite a few tracks Cuzznz is easily one you can go ahead and let pass you by.

5.2 out of 10   


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