Class Actress - Movies

Class Actress

Movies is a six track EP that is the brainchild of Class Actress in an attempt to both capture and understand the trope of the Hollywood Actress in all its excess and despair. The album for the most part is electropop, 80s style synths driving each track. There is a blending here of both 70s disco and 80s electronic to make something quite fresh but firmly grounded in the instruments of the past. The narrative of the whole record is one of the most interesting parts. The direction is right there on the surface with little use of metaphor and very little deviation from the main theme. You are on the journey with this young woman as she moves to LA, experiences the excess of the city and eventually becomes a complete person on the other side. "The Limit" is a really fun song that deals with this woman testing her own limits on drugs, sex and glamor, the story is old but this musical take is quite novel.

The illusion of it all works quite well as a way of exploring who this person really is, both when they being their journey and once they come out on the other end. "High on Love" and "GFE" are the most dance floor ready songs with strong bass lines and still that synth backing that is the through line throughout. The last two tracks are where we really get into the darkness of it all. The synths almost disappear and are replaced with ominous tones and lonely guitars. The vibe works almost perfectly. This record works really well as an EP because the whole story is laid out quickly minus any fluff. You're never bored or waiting for the next on this album, it hits you then walks away. A really great EP Class Actress while we wait for her full release which may be coming sooner rather than later. Check out Movies and you'll find what a well crafted album and well crafted story really sounds like.

7.9 out of 10


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