D.R.A.M. - #1EpicEP
Sometimes you come across something so new and so different it is hard to wrap your mind around it. That is what D.R.A.M. is banking on with the release of this EP #1EpicEP. The first track and single "Cha Cha" samples Mario Bros. 8 bit sound and mixes it was Spanish rhythms and EDM drops. He then sings moderately well about just wanting to dance the cha cha, it is odd in one of the best ways. The rest of the album follows a more "traditional" hip hop album mode. "2$" is an anthem about being broke and instead of being a rags to riches story more just relives the times when $2.00 was all D.R.A.M. had in his pocket. D.R.A.M.'s style relies on quite a bit of vibe but his odd sensibilities take it to another level. There is a ton of potential wrapped up in #1EpicEP but it is never fully realized in a true sense. The album tries to be to funky at times and leaves the rapping behind much to it's detriment.
"Erything" is an attempt at a love song but it ends up sounding more like parody than anything else. That seems to be one of the major issues on this record, while it does sound quite vibrant and alive at times the tracks where D.R.A.M. tries to write love songs fall quite flat. It is the incredibly original beats like those on "Cha Cha" and "Just One" that keep you from leaving this record all together. Within #1EpicEP there is a lust for life and living that really comes through but not enough to justify a full album. That is why an EP makes sense, get the good tracks out there and pad them with a little fluff until you can pull together enough fire for a full release. #1EpicEP is not life changing nor will it be the best thing you have heard this year, but there are some sparks of greatness within it that if treated correctly could mean great things on the horizon for D.R.A.M.
5 out of 10
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