Years & Years - Communion

Years & Years

Years & Years debut album Communion has been hyped and re-hyped in the press for it's avante-garde approach to pop music. "Foundation" aptly enough lays the groundwork for Communion to build an album that is often catchy pop but at it's core is much more than just dance tracks. It really is fascinating, just when you think Years & Years are going to descend into some played out boy band stuff they bring in a new musical or synth element which firmly puts the work in a very different category. There is something for everyone on this record the style makes it almost impossible to hate. Even the more straight forward pop tracks like "Shine" have a certain likeability that comes from Pop music being made at a high level not just to sell records but because it really does matter. Something quite interesting on this record is it's sweetness. Despite having very rich tones and darkish sounding musical tracks nothing on this record ever sounds vulgar or dirty. The lyrics are sweet on a very authentic level that never comes across are twee or too sugary. It is something that you really do not hear from music at this level.

The sense of timing on Communion is also ones of it's strengths. Years & Years have a very strong sense of when the bring the punch in and when to hold it back. They are just as comfortable letting a smooth rhythm play itself out as they are bringing in a heavy bass drop. They have cut all pretense with this record and have just let the music come out. There is no sense of sticking to a genre or forcing something that isn't there. Despite sounding completely electronic, there is an organic vibe to this album that makes it totally accessible. This album works just as well on the dance floor as it does listening to alone with a keen ear. Years & Years have brought it all together on this record and created something really special. Give Communion a spin and hear what I'm talking about.

8.7 out of 10


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