Chassis - Psychic Reality
Psychic Reality
Psychic Reality is an odd little thing. The album fluctuates between Lo-Fi Indie production and New Wave Synth almost second to second. Song structures are flexible at best and the idea of chorus or verse is almost completely abandoned. Having vocals that work well with music seem to be an afterthought for most of the record. All this to say this album sounds and feels quite disjointed. There is not any semblance of a through line connecting the music together more just a collection of sounds and noise that on their own sound good, but together never really work on any level. It is quite difficult to figure out what song you are listening to throughout the record because they all seem the same in their differentness.
Going for something is always commendable, but Psychic Reality never reaches a point or makes any kind of statement either lyrically or musically. I can't really see to many people putting this record on and having their friends listen, it is just so strange in all aspects that it is hard to wrap your mind around. Possibly because the synth use is so normal in this sea of utter uniqueness that the album still feels grounded in something. Psychic Reality never really came together in a real way, and for that its a pass.
4 out 10
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