Snoop Dogg - Bush

Snoop Dogg

The beats on Snoop Dogg's new album Bush  are incredible. Light, funky and fun the entire record doesn't take itself to seriously and pushes what funk can be into 2015. Musically it is just great to listen to, musically. That is where things start to break down. Snoop spends almost the entire album singing, something to be brutally honest he just is not good at. When rapping Snoop is so smooth and has velvet tones that set him apart from almost everyone,when he sings...not so much. That's the whole problem with this record it is so chalked full of potential but the final execution just misses the mark. "California Roll" works the best out of all the tracks, it is quite interesting and as a one off is a pretty solid track with a great Michael Jackson sample.

"Run Away" which features Gwen Stefani is probably the most egregious song on the album. Snoop is off key, the beat is miles away from what Stefani is good at and the song as a whole feels just entirely wrong. After his foray into the "Snoop Lion" age We all expected Snoop D oh Double G to come firing back with something truly great, but Bush  is not that album. I'm sure you will hear a few of these songs on the radio this summer, but all in all this album is a skip.

5 out of 10


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