Wangel - Eternal History
Eternal History
Who knew hipster R&B could be a thing? Apparently Danish Musician Wangel did and put it all into his new EP Eternal History. The tracks have soulful synths, autotuned singing and somewhat obscure lyrics. Perhaps there is a bit of a language barrier but Wangel's lyrics have rivers and running in space fast and other themes that seem quite odd for the music track behind them. It's as if the Decemberists sang their songs but had a Kanye track behind them, it's all just a bit off. The music however is quite good despite of this. The first track "Seoul" is especially well done, it has great synth notes and soars during the chorus. But as it does with most of the EP it comes back to the autotune pretty much mucking up what is otherwise a good song.
There is some great potential on this record, but it all never really comes together as a cohesive unit. The finished product is not quite as good as the parts it is made from. Wangel clearly has a great ear for music, but lyrics and singing need some work. This album is worth your time and a listen, but don't expect to have your socks blown off.
5 out of 10
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