Holly Miranda - Holly Miranda
Holly Miranda
Holly Miranda
Ethereal, earnest, soul bearing, complex and beautiful all are adjectives from Holly Miranda's newest release under her own name. This record is filled with songs rich in emotion rather than emoting and is an example of what true Indie music can be when it is treated right. Her song style is wide open, "Mark My Words" feels as if it can take you in any direction while never veering from a path of beautiful goodness. This album is also an example of what time can do for an artist. It has been over 5 years since Miranda released anything giving her time, and space, to write something wholly Her own and devoid of any preconceived notions of what this album should or should not be. It really is interesting to hear someone take the total opposite road of the trend in which music is going and come out on the other side with something awesome.
If there is any weakness on the record it is the final third. Songs like "Desert Call" and "Hymnal" feel very much in homage to "hallelujah" but steer far to close to the original for a record so totally original. Miranda is reacting against an evangelical past that still tugs at her heart strings and that in conflict that rises in so many of us. Even on a first listen her words are so beautiful and perfectly placed it's hard to find fault in that. Holly Miranda is not just a great record, it's a triumph of the way Indie music can be full of soul. Listen Now!
9 out 10
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