The Vaccines - English Graffiti

The Vaccines
English Graffiti

With their third album release The Vaccines have taken a break from their Lo-Fi Indie rock roots and instead opted for a more polished version of themselves. Catchy rock hooks and popcorn claps abound on English Graffiti. The Vaccines who have always seemed to be chasing the same limelight of The Strokes, have taken a different path with this record and it works great for them. This record has a sound that they have been missing on their previous releases, it rounds out their music and works really well with their writing. In letting go of some desire for Indie cred The Vaccines have freed themselves which truly comes across in this record. There is a sense of abandonment with this album that allows The Vaccines to be who they always have been, a really solid pop rock band.

The flow of Engligh Graffiti is quite great. The album beings with high energy tracks like "Handsome" and slowly reins in the loudness for more synth and vocal driven tracks like "Denial". The record works on many levels, but at times it is a bit generic and one note. Are they pushing anything forward, or making music so catchy it's undeniable? Not really. Instead English Graffiti is a pretty good album from a pretty good band. The Vaccines are worth a listen but don't expect any mind blowing to occur.

6.6 out of 10


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