MNDR / Sweet Valley - Dance 4 A Dollar EP
MNDR / Sweet Valley
Dance 4 A Dollar EP
MNDR and Sweet Valley with the Dance for a Dollar EP have released something really special. I can see why they would want to get these five tracks out on an EP rather than wait for a full release at a later date. These songs are complex, interesting and more than anything beautiful. More often than not you can predict exactly where a song is going, how the build will come, where the drop is but nothing could be further from the truth in this EP. They zig when they are supposed to zag, but not in a strange just to be strange way but rather in a truly wonderful way.
The dance element itself is quite fascinating, because you actually can dance and move to this music but not in a 2 am in a club way but more in a flowing water groove type of scenario. "Dance 4 a Dollar" is my favorite track but really any of these could make it on to a really great playlist. I can't recommend this album enough; Put it on, ingest your favorite substance and just vibe out.
8.3 out of 10
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