Sam Hunt - Montevallo

Sam Hunt

Sam Hunt has set the Country world ablaze with his smash hit Montevallo. For many this album is exactly what is wrong with country music, let's call it hip-hopification. Sam Hunt on many of these tracks actually sounds like he is trying to rap, complete with hype men in the background. It's just kind of funny to hear Hip Hop vernacular in a country song, one foot in classic country music and the other in the Pop Hip-Hop world. It is an interesting way of blending two completely different and often at odds cultures. But, this is a review of the actual music not the social ramifications of ones use of a type of music or inspiration. As a country record Sam Hunt's music is extremely catchy. What small amount of ballads he has on the album are dwarfed by his more upbeat songs. This is party music, party down south. 

I do have a few issues with the album though. The premise of "Cop Car" is so silly it makes it hilarious that he is singing it so earnestly. The music can often be so pleasing and melodic to the ear, but then you hear one of the ridiculous country tropes and it takes you right out of the song "the blue lights brought out the freedom in your eyes". Also there are a couple songs that actually have some EDM type beats and intro which just stick out like a sore thumb when right after you hear a steal guitar. In no way is this a bad album and country fans can rejoice in Hunt bringing the genre somewhere potentially new.

6.3 out of 10


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