Bad Suns - Language & Perspective

Bad Suns
Language & Perspective

Bad Suns are an out and out great band. Their musicianship is highly commendable in a genre where it is not always the most important thing. That could not be more evident than on their most recent release Language & Perspective. What Bad Suns have done with this record is mastered the groove. They get deep into a rhythm that just speaks to that base part of your soul and when that is mixed with almost pitch perfect harmonies it equals something really great. What is really nice about the record is that they rarely make a misstep, or zig when you think they are going to zag; this does make the songs a bit predictable, but it makes them so much more pleasurable to listen to and enjoy. Bad Suns gives you exactly what you want, even if you didn't know you wanted it. If you want to hear a rhythm section at the top of their game Bad Suns has what you are looking for, aggressive base lines and super interesting drum progressions make Language & Perspective a truly great listen.

There are so many great tracks on this album it is quite hard to pick a favorite. One criticism could be that many of the songs do sound the same, but when they all sound great I don't really understand how that can be held against them. Bad Suns are redefining the California cool rock sound and I really like it. A truly great first record from a band that will more likely than not be giving us hits for a long while.

9 out of 10


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