Marina and the Diamonds - Froot

Marina and the Diamonds

Marina and the Diamonds newest release Froot more than anything is simply interesting. With Froot  Marina is exploring what exactly it means to compose a pop song or be in a pop band. The music is complex yet approachable and spans genre after genre breaking down the barriers between them. The through line however is her incredible voice, it can be haunting, dramatic and beautiful all at the same time. There is far less electronic elements on this record than Marina and the Diamonds have had in the past, which is an interesting departure seeing as that was a large part of their success in the past. Not all the songs are super strong, the first couple tracks on the record in all honesty are quite week and seem more filler than anything else. When the middle of the album comes around that is when things really start to kick off

"Blue" and "Forget" and far and away my favorite tracks. Upbeat yet dark, high paced but not aggressive these tracks really come across as the two strongest on the record. The drums on both are also impeccably done. There is no doubt that Marina is quite the songwriter, the words in all the tracks are never lost in the music and really standout. All around a really good album though there may be some slips peppered throughout. Don't miss out on Marina and the Diamonds' Froot.

7.8 out of 10  


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