Protoje - Ancient Future
Ancient Future
Reggae can be tough to pin down. Sometimes its spiritual and beautiful delving deep into the things that matter most, then at other times its the same cords, the same themes just the same over and over again. Protoje with Ancient Future really straddles that line. He often falls back on the usual upstroke guitar and usual ways of doing things in the Reggae world, but every so often a song trancendes and becomes something just a little more. "Sudden Flight" is a great example of this. The Reggae piece is there in this song, but there is a bit more that brings it along to a more modern approach.
Though one song does not an album make There really is just not much here that you can't find in older or more successful Reggae. Any one of the Marleys are making this music better than Protoje, and the album album feels more like an imitation than true expression. Not a good one.
4 out of 10
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