Geographer - Ghost Modern
Ghost Modern
Ghost Modern is something new, something really different from the previous releases from Geographer. Where his old music used to be electronically driven, with subtle tones and soulful singing, it seems that they have taken a different more analogue path with this record. It is also quite a bit darker than anything that has come before, the themes are deeper and the music ominous. "Need" is a great example of this; the feeling of the song is super dark and a bit unsettling. Clearly the writers are going through something that is being reflected on this album, something very different from their last record Myth. There are a few tracks that break away from this vibe like "Too Much" and "Falling Apart" but I can't shake the feeling of melancholy that seems to go hand and hand with this album.
This record is not going to go down as one of Geographer's best. There is a time and a place for everything but I think this album works more as a modern day Emo recording than anything else. At times you could swear you are hearing Death Cab For Cutie ringing in your ears while listening to this. Ghost Modern is absolutely worth a shot, but unfortunately in the end it misses the high standard that Geographer has set for themselves. If you're looking to get sad put this on and wallow in some sorrow, we all need to sometimes...
6 out of 10
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