Smallpools - LOVETAP!


Full disclosure: I have been excited about this album for awhile. I've seen Smallpools live and was absolutely blown away so finally getting to hear their new stuff on a full album is quite intriguing. I'm totally impatient and couldn't wait for the full album release when I heard it was available in full on Spotify. First and foremost, this album is fantastic. It has everything you are looking for from a great indie rock band. The musicianship is to notch, you can really move to this record and the song writing lyrically is really well done. From start to finish LOVETAP! oozes swagger and connectedness, Smallpools wants you to like their California brand of indie rock and it comes across in spades. "Street Fight" a song which I've heard live but finally got the chance to hear on the album version grooves like nothing else.

I can't say enough about how great I think LOVETAP! is. The song "Dreaming" has also spawned stellar remixes by the Chainsmokers and Zookeper. However put the album on shuffle and you are going to enjoy every song. LOVETAP! comes out over all platforms on 3/24/15 so do yourself a favor and get this album and see Smallpools live, you'll be thanking me later if you do.

9.5 out of 10


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