OMI - Me 4 U

Me 4 U

"Cheerleader" has been an odd hit. People enjoy the lightness, the seemingly innocuous message and the remixes that have popped up here and there (mostly in tropical vacation spots). For the most part Me 4 U takes a minimalist approach to the dance infused R&B. The production is light and airy never taking itself all that seriously while letting OMI himself sing bubblegum love songs like "Drop in the Ocean". If you are looking for any kind of edge or PBR&B like Miguel or the Weeknd you are not going to find it here. OMI to his credit knows exactly what his place is and He doesn't try to force anything onto himself that just isn't there. A great deal of credit needs to go to artists who know their limitations just as those who push those boundaries out. "These Are the Days" remixed by Luca Schreiner is the closest to an EDM track on the album but still maintains the dancehall theme that OMI wisely grives great credit to throughout the record.

While the rest of the album is not as bright as "Cheerleader", it still is quite poppy. Even the tone selection suggest "No worries" throughout the album. This for sure sets OMI apart from the rest of the current pop world, but it also becomes a bit redundant and one note. "Standing on All Threes" is the one track that really departs and slides more into a reggae vibe but it doesn't do the album any favors. The guitar solo on the track also feels totally out of place. It is hard however to not like this record, it is fun, light and filled with singable and dancable moments, but the music just comes across as very here now gone tomorrow. Nothing about this record screams listen to me again and keep me around forever. You can listen once and then move on, which is probably the best way to approach Me 4 U.

5.7 out of 10


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