Handsome Ghost - Steps EP

Handsome Ghost

Catchy hooks, R&B rhythms and sensuous synthpop influences Handsome Ghost has put together all the best elements across a musical spectrum to create the Steps EP. This six track EP is filled with solid pop music grounded in the classics but with a modern twist that makes it feel entirely new.This record is full of heart and has a clear vision of exactly what it is and wants to be. Pop music can often be formulaic and follow whatever trend of the day is happening but not with this EP. Steps marches to the beat of its own drum and attempts to turn the idea of pop on its head. Far and away the best track on the record is "Steps". It has a great rhythm and combines a silky smooth R&B vocal with synth and analogue elements. It also is the highest paced track on the album, which is a good thing.

There in lies one of the issues with this record. All six tracks sound very similar and thus the whole album comes across as very one note. The tracks don't distinguish themselves all that much and with the exception of  "Steps" you'd be hard pressed to know which you were listening to track to track. It is quite clear that Handsome Ghost really have something here and with some tweaks their sound can develop into something truly great. We'll just have to wait and see what comes next for Handsome Ghost.

6.9 out of 10


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