Angels and Airwaves - ... Of Nightmares

Angels and Airwaves
... Of Nightmares EP

What does it mean when a new Angels and Airwaves record comes out? Usually it means Blink 182 have probably broken up because of something Tom DeLonge did. It also means He has something really important that he needs us to hear. This new EP ... Of Nightmares is no exception. This music is insanely overblown and grandiose. Most of the tracks top out well over four minutes most of which is a couple sounds repeating over and over again. Angels and Airwaves' first record at least had some great musicianship and some new substance, but now t feels like old hat and never really connects. That song that really soars never really comes and it becomes four tracks of repetition.

Angels and Airwaves have been easy to make fun of in the past simply because it seemed like they declared themselves the best band in the world without really doing anything. On this EP they are proving that the moniker definitely does not fit yet again. The last track topping out at five minutes, half of which is nothing more than a few noises, takes on a electronic vibe that is so far out of the bands comfort zone that it's inclusion makes almost zero sense. Tom's voice eventually comes in on the track when it's almost finished saying something that we never really needed to hear. If you were expecting something epic from Angels and Airwaves this time around I'm sorry but it's just not here. Don't waste your time with this album those 20 minutes of your life deserve better.

3 out of 10


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