Meg Myers - Sorry

Meg Myers

There is something to be said for the depressed, lonely and lost among us. Meg Myers is one of those people. Though she may have found redemption through her art that pain of a life lived this comes through in spades on her debut album Sorry. Each track on this album almost begs you to hate her, to look at her pain and scoff but you can't help but empathize then connect. Her music pushes itself into your soul and makes it's home there right where pain belongs. Despite her rawness lyrically the music on this album is surprisingly well done. Some of the tracks are catchy enough to be pop songs, most if I am completely honest, and even her vocals sound like they should be singing of empowerment or loving someone. But that would not be Meg Myers and that is not what this album is. Even "A Bolt From The Blue" which has a synthy pop vibe flows directly to the dark while still keeping you connected enough to want to sing along. The honesty on this record is undeniable and is it's greatest asset. Meg lays her soul painfully out for you and for that you are treated to some really well done music.

Everything seems to be falling into place for Meg Myers. She has found a sound that suits her perfectly, she is not gearing to young nor trying to appeal to any sort of nostalgia crowd. Instead she is creating a place all her own. She is saying the things people think but are either to scared or not able to say and the delivery makes it all the better. The guitar solo on "Desire" seems like it would be completely out of place on this record, but it fits so perfectly it almost leaves you dumbfounded. On the next track "I Really Want You To Hate Me" she says that she not only wants you to hate her but that she will never be a bride and that she wants to die. Coming from someone else these lyrics may sound disingenuous but Meg makes them her absolute bitch, taking that same darkness that is throughout the album and making it all the more raw. Meg Myers has done something incredible with Sorry, take pure dark emotion and put it on a pop record. Go out and listen to this record as soon as you can, you will not regret it.

8.7 out of 10  


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