Robert DeLong - In The Cards

Robert DeLong
In The Cards

Robert DeLong for anyone in the LA scene has been a hard one to nail down. On one hand He is a mechanical and musical genius using loopers, joysticks and whatever else He can find to create trance music. On the other hand He can be confusing, extremely avant garde and flat out weird. The connection between DeLong and his fans was often an odd one. That changes today. In The Cards is the album he has been needing for a long time. His other EP releases were fine, but they lacked that all out connection that He is clearly capable. This record is dead on with his style and gets it across to the listener in a much more concise way. The fat has been trimmed on this album and almost every second there is some kind of music filling the space. The first four tracks in particular are relentless in putting his his message out there minus the chants of "Make you fucking dance".

The middle tracks do offer a more pop take for DeLong. They tend to slow the pace of his whirls and drum drops which takes away from the trance vibe he created early on, but does show that He can change his style whenever need be. That has always been tantamount for DeLong, He was never going to let anyone or anything put him in a box whether it be a major album release or internet celebrity. Robert DeLong was going to make the sounds He heard in his head whether people connected with them or not. With In The Cards He has found that ground and released a really great album in the process. Go listen to this record and prepare for the weird awesomeness. 

8.4 out of 10  


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