Madeon - Adventure


EDM EPs can be a tricky thing. On the one hand you want to put out this great music you have been creating and playing live, but on the other hand in the headphones one on one the music can feel a bit hollow or one note. Madeon suffers none of these issues. His first EP Adventure truly is an amazing accomplishment. It is bright, fun and completely full of life. There is not a second on this record where He takes a step back and lets the listener breath, it is a constant barrage of high energy soulful EDM. It's almost as if Madeon took every note of darkness often associated with hard house music and stripped it away to make something devoid of negative energy. And ready for the bombshell? HE IS ONLY 20 YEARS OLD! Creating something this high level at such a young age just means we are in for some great music for years to come.

On "OK" and on a few other tracks throughout the album Madeon makes great use of the 8-bit tracks and doesn't use them for kitchy effect but rather to really elevate the songs. The singles "You're On" and "Home" are great tracks, but this album has so much depth that really anything has the potential to be a smash hit. Adventure really is something special and I can't wait for whatever is next for Madeon, I have a guess it is going to be something huge.

9 out of 10


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